Profile Pic

Hi, I'm

Shumak Manohar

Software Engineer

specializing in full-stack development. With a Master’s in Computer Applications and a Bachelor's in Information Technology (9.3 CGPA) .I am also an AWS Certified Solutions Architect. I am passionate about solving complex problems, optimizing performance, and delivering seamless user experiences .Outside of work, I enjoy developing personal projects and continually expanding my skill set.
Stay Different n Stay Happy ✌

AWS Solution Architect

My Projects

project screen shot

Multi Lingual Ecommerce Application [Production]

Led the development of a robust e-commerce website using Next.js 14, focusing on scalability and performance. Implemented a custom CMS to streamline content management, reducing update times by 50%. Leveraged AWS for enhanced scalability and reliability, ensuring uninterrupted service during peak traffic periods.

  • Next JS v14
  • Server Actions
  • SSR
  • AWS Amplify
  • Moyasar Payment Gateway
  • Custom CMS
  • Next Auth
  • Next Auth
  • AWS S3 Bucket
  • Resend
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Fitness Tracking App

Developed the Fitness Tracker using React.js and Next.js, employing custom React Hooks and state management techniques for efficient data handling. Implemented lazy loading of data to enhance performance and ensure a smooth user experience, particularly with large datasets. Leveraged LocalStorage for data persistence, allowing users to seamlessly continue their fitness tracking activities across sessions.

  • Next JS
  • Custom Hooks
  • Framer Motion
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Vercel
project screen shot

Review13 Blog App

Review13 is a web app that is completely built on the latest NextJs version [13]. full-stack application MongoDB to store data and NexthAuth for Google OAuth.

  • Next JS
  • Mongo DB
  • NextAuth
  • MUI
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Vercel
project screen shot


Take Break is a handy app designed to remind users to take breaks and rest their eyes after extended periods of screen time. The app utilizes the 20-20-20 rule, which suggests taking a break every 20 minutes to look away from the screen and focus on something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

  • Jetpack Compose
  • Dragger Hilt
  • Android Dev Fundamentals
  • Android Studio
project screen shot

Service Booking Website

A service Booking web app built using NextJS. The website contains a dashboard with all bookings and the option to delete them. MongoDB for the storage of data Implemented protected routes using NextAuth. Used the email and password sign-in option

  • Next JS
  • Mongo DB
  • NextAuth
  • MUI
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Vercel
project screen shot

Amazon Clone

This is a Amazon Clone app , build using NextJs ,Redux , NextAuth and Stripe Api. The site is completely responsive on all platforms. NextAuth is used for Authentication. Firebase is used for the storage of media files and other related data. For Styling, Tailwind css is used and Vercel is used for deploying the project.

  • Next JS
  • NextAuth
  • Stripe API
  • Redux
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Vercel
project screen shot

Hulu - Clone

This is a Hulu Clone app , build using NextJs and themoviedb Api. The site is completely responsive on all platforms, including 4K displays and mobile screens. For Styling, Tailwind css is used and Vercel is used for deploying the project.

  • Next JS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Vercel
  • themoviedb Api
project screen shot

Open Up

A web app that lets you post your feelings or any message, which will be auto-deleted after 24hrs.✌️ Open Up can be a place where you can share your worst fear, frustration , your secret crush, or fantasies. The user remains completely discreet while posting

  • Next JS
  • MongoDB
  • NodeJs
  • Heroku
  • Vercel
  • MUI

My skills

My experience